Episode 11 | Nourishing Friendships

In episode 11, we're discussing how to attract and foster nourishing friendships. I share some personal examples of how to go deeper with friends as well as some insight into my own friendships.


Questions to Ponder and Journal Prompts:

  • Writing out all of the qualities your “ideal” friends would have if you had the choice (p.s. you always have a choice)

  • What do you want in your relationships? And, how do you want to feel?

  • Which relationships are draining you or bringing you down? 

Something I wrote about friendship - please give credit if you repost this:

Friendship is a spiritual practice

Spiritual meaning sacred 

Practice meaning process

Friendship is not something you have or stays the same 

It’s not static 

It’s not concrete

Friendship is a practice 

Meaning it’s never perfect 

It’s never complete 

Friendship is not given without also receiving 

You cannot take and take and take

And never give.

You cannot talk and talk and talk 

And never listen 

Friendship is conscious 

Meaning attentive 

Friendship is caring 

And consensual 

Friendship is support 

Without expectation 

Friendship is setting boundaries 

And confirming they are understood

Friendship is a practice 


Relationships are not built on assumptions or half truths 

They are built on a solid foundation of integrity 

And openness 

And total truth 

Truth does not mean we lie to protect 

Truth means we acknowledge reality 

AND speak for the greater good of all

Friendship is an unexplainable

Yet simple


And appreciation 

For you

And for me

It is safe

And it is also in process 

We hold it like a piece of glass 

Knowing it can break

BUT believing more in its ability to let all goodness shine through.



True Friendship can live forever 
