Episode 1 | What is Mindfully Well?
Episode 1 features all of the info that makes up Mindfully Well.
This is a podcast for change-seeking women who are curiously devoted to their health and ultimately having a positive impact on the world around them. With that, I’d like to say that all humans are welcome here and surely can take something away from these episode, but I’ve chosen “women” because I will be discussing women’s health and coming at everything from the lens in which I live, which is a woman.
You might be wondering, “What exactly will she be discussing here?”:
Women’s health (this is a huge passion for me)
Food (like, eating real food, shopping as local as possible, the impacts our food consumption habits have on us and the world)
Yoga, Movement, and existing in the world through your body
Books, brands, and people who have changed my life
The Earth, being in nature and sustainability (and how this impacts our wellbeing and health)
The cyclic nature of being woman
Personal development and self discovery (think: Purpose, intuition, desire)
Relationships - healthy communication, boundaries, deeply connecting, and love
Technology and our health
And so much more.